Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com

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thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2016-05-24: fix for empty capabilities
2017-07-03: fixed neighbour port id as MAC address (HPE)
2018-01-24: added local interface, removed 'useless' oid's
2018-09-04: changes for CMK 1.5.x (inv_tree --> inv_tree_list)
2019-03-04: changes for CMK 1.5.x --> if CMK1.5.x capability information is changed to string
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2020-03-15: added support for CMK1.6x
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2020-07-31: added short interface names, code cleanup
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-03-18: removed disable option from WATO
2021-03-17: rewrite for CMK 2.0
2001-03-18: removed disable option from WATO
2021-03-22: workaround for oid_end != x.ifIndex.y  (for Cisco UCS FIs / lbarbier[at]arkane-studios[dot]com)
2021-03-22: added handling of lldpchassisidsubtype 5 -> network address ipv4/ipv6
2021-07-10: made use short interface names configurable via wato
2021-07-19: fix for default parameters
2021-07-25: fix local_port --> local_port_num