#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: GNU General Public License v2

# Author: thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com
# URL   : https://thl-cmk.hopto.org
# Date  : 2023-10-16
# File  : create_topology_user.toml

# contains the user data for create_topology_data.py

# list of (additional to -s/--seed-devices) seed devices
    # "CORE01",
    # "LOCATION01",
    # "LOCATION02",

# drop neighbours with invalid names
    # "not advertised",
    #  "a nother invalid name",

# topologies will not be deleted by "--keep"
    # "2023-10-17T14:08:05.10",
    # "your_important_topology"

# user defined static connections
# connections will be added from host to neighbour and in reverese
# hosts/neighbours in this section will be added to SEED_DEVICES
    # ["cmk_host1", "local-port1", "neighbour-port1", "neighbour1", "label"],
    # ["cmk_host1", "local-port2", "neighbour-port2", "neighbour2", "label"],

# map inventory neighbour name to Checkmk host name
# inventory_neighbour1 = "cmk_host1"
# inventory_neighbour2 = "cmk_host2"
# inventory_neighbour3 = "cmk_host3"