[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/create_topology_data-0.0.2-20231012.mkp "create_topology_data-0.0.2-20231012.mkp" # Create network topology data dile ## PoC for creating topology_data.json from inventory data This script creates the topology data file needed for the [Checkmk Exchange Network visualization](https://exchange.checkmk.com/p/network-visualization) plugin by Andreas Boesl and schnetz. For more information see [Checkmk forum Network Visualization](https://forum.checkmk.com/t/network-visualization/41680). The inventory data could be created with my CDP/LLDP inventory plugins: CDP: [CDP inventory plugin](https://thl-cmk.hopto.org/gitlab/checkmk/vendor-independent/inventory/inv_cdp_cache/)\ CDP path-in-inventory: `"networking,cdp_cache"`\ CDP inventory-columns: `"device_id,local_port,device_port"` LLDP: [LLD inventory plugin](https://thl-cmk.hopto.org/gitlab/checkmk/vendor-independent/inventory/inv_lldp_cache/)\ LLDP path-in-inventory: `"networking,lldp_cache"`\ LLDP inventory-columns: `"system_name,local_port_num,port_id"` USAGE CDP (is the default): ``` ~/local/lib/topology_data/create_topology_data.py -s CORE01 -m ``` USAGE LLDP: ``` ~/local/lib/topology_data/create_topology_data.py -s CORE01 -p "networking,lldp_cache" -c "system_name,local_port_num,port_id" -m ``` --- ### Download * [Download latest mkp file][PACKAGE] --- ### Installation You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run ``` mkp add PAKAGE_NAME.mkp mkp enable PAKAGE_NAME VERSION ``` In the Enterprise/Free/Cloud edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_) --- ### Want to Contribute? Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md "Contributing") --- ### Sample Output Sample output ``` OMD[build]:~$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/create_topology_data.py -s C9540-7-1 -m Start time: 2023-10-12T16:31:32.10 Device: lr-cos-ap-010: not found in auto checks path! Device: lr-cos-ap-010: interface (Gi0) not found in services Devices added: 56, source inv_CDP time taken: 0.532150752/s End time: 2023-10-12T16:31:33.10 OMD[build]:~$ ``` Sample network topology