From 549b8877334276ea00d2d862528442fb17a1e289 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thl-cmk <>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:29:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update

--- | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index f163c17..2ef2fce 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -59,14 +59,11 @@ To use this tool:
 <details><summary>Help output from -h</summary>
-OMD[build]:~$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -h
-usage: [-h] [-m] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
-                               [-s SEED_DEVICES [SEED_DEVICES ...]] [-v]
-                               [--data-source DATA_SOURCE] [--debug] [--dont-compare]
-                               [--inventory-columns INVENTORY_COLUMNS] [--keep-domain]
-                               [--keep-max KEEP_MAX] [--lldp] [--lowercase]
-                               [--min-age MIN_AGE]
-                               [--path-in-inventory PATH_IN_INVENTORY]
+OMD[build]:~$  ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -h
+usage: [-h] [-m] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-s SEED_DEVICES [SEED_DEVICES ...]] [-v]
+                               [--check-user-data-only] [--data-source DATA_SOURCE] [--debug] [--dont-compare]
+                               [--inventory-columns INVENTORY_COLUMNS] [--keep-domain] [--keep KEEP] [--lldp]
+                               [--lowercase] [--min-age MIN_AGE] [--path-in-inventory PATH_IN_INVENTORY]
                                [--time-format TIME_FORMAT] [--uppercase]
 This script creates the topology data file needed for the Checkmk "network_visualization"
@@ -78,7 +75,7 @@ The required inventory data can be created with my inventory plugins:
-Version: 0.0.5-202310117 | Written by: thl-cmk
+Version: 0.0.6-202310117 | Written by: thl-cmk
 for more information see:
@@ -93,6 +90,8 @@ options:
                         List of devices to start the topology discovery from.
                         I.e. Core01 Core02
   -v, --version         Print version of this script and exit
+  --check-user-data-only
+                        Only tries to read/parse the user data from create_topology_data.toml and exits.
   --data-source DATA_SOURCE
                         The source from which the topology data originates.
                         I.e. inv_CDP for CDP data from the inventory.
@@ -109,16 +108,16 @@ options:
                         NOTE: the columns must be in the order: neighbour, local_port,
   --keep-domain         Do not remove the domain name from the neighbor name
-  --keep-max KEEP_MAX   Number of topologies to keep. The oldest topologies above keep
-                        max will be deleted. The minimum value for --keep-max is 1.
-                        Note: The default topologies will be always kept.
+  --keep KEEP           Number of topologies to keep. The oldest topologies above keep
+                        max will be deleted. The minimum value for --keep is 1.
+                        NOTE: The default topologies will be always kept.
   --lldp                Sets data source to inv_LLDP, inventory path 
                         to "networking,lldp_cache" and columns
                         to "system_name,local_port_num,port_id"
   --lowercase           Change neighbour names to all lower case
   --min-age MIN_AGE     The minimum number of days before a topology is deleted
-                        by "--keep-max".
-                        Note: Topologies that are not older than 1 days are always kept.
+                        by "--keep".
+                        NOTE: Topologies that are not older than 1 days are always kept.
   --path-in-inventory PATH_IN_INVENTORY
                         Checkmk inventory path to the topology data.
                         I.e. "networking,cdp_cache"
@@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ for CDP (the default):
 for LLDP:
 ~/local/bin/network-topology/ -s Core01 Core02 -m --lldp
@@ -162,7 +160,7 @@ $ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 -m
 Yes. Add a cron job for the site user in `~/etc/cron.d`. I.e. to create a topology every hour create the file `create_topoloky_data` in `~/etc/cron.d`
-0 * * * * $OMD_ROOT/local/bin/topology_data/ -s C9540-7-1 -m --keep-max 10 --keep-max 10 --min-age 14
+0 * * * * $OMD_ROOT/local/bin/topology_data/ -s C9540-7-1 -m --keep 10 --min-age 14
 This will run the tool every hour and create a new topology if there was a changee. It keeps 10 topologies and deletes old topologies only if they are older than 14 days.
@@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ With crontab -l you get the list of active cron jobs
 OMD[build]:~/etc/cron.d$ crontab -l | grep -A 3 -B 1  create_topoloky_data 
 # ------------------------------------------------------------
 # /omd/sites/build/etc/cron.d/create_topoloky_data
-0 * * * * $OMD_ROOT/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 -m --keep-max 10
+0 * * * * $OMD_ROOT/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 -m --keep 10
 # ------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -195,22 +193,22 @@ OMD[build]:~/etc/cron.d$ crontab -l | grep -A 3 -B 1  create_topoloky_data
 <details><summary>Can I limit the number of topology changes saved</summary>
-Yes. If you use the option --keep-max <number of topologies to keep> the tool will delete all topologies over this number. I.e.
+Yes. If you use the option --keep <number of topologies to keep> the tool will delete all topologies over this number. I.e.
-$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 --keep-max 10
+$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 --keep 10
 will delete the oldest topologies until there only 10 topologies left.
 **Note**: the default topology will never be deleted.
-**Note**: the minimal `--keep-max` is _1_
+**Note**: the minimal `--keep` is _1_
 <details><summary>I will not delete topologies from the last X days</summary>
-No problem. Just use the option `--min-age` togeher with `--keep-max`. I.e. 
+No problem. Just use the option `--min-age` togeher with `--keep`. I.e. 
-$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 --keep-max 10 --min-age 30
+$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/ -s Core01 --keep 10 --min-age 30
 will only delete a topology if it older than 30 days.