diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d771a6678cc3f50901f9bb3ddaa10aa8cbb747cb..3f1306fe987d2bd8d89c54a48f30b3ab2ba5977e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/create_topology_data-0.2.0-20231116.mkp "create_topology_data-0.2.0-20231116.mkp"
+[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/create_topology_data-0.3.0-20231128.mkp "create_topology_data-0.3.0-20231128.mkp"
 Network Visualization data creation tool from inventory data
 This script creates the topology data file needed for the [Checkmk Exchange Network visualization](https://exchange.checkmk.com/p/network-visualization) plugin by Andreas Boesl and [schnetz](https://exchange.checkmk.com/u/schnetz).\
diff --git a/bin/topology_data/create_topology_classes.py b/bin/topology_data/create_topology_classes.py
index 2610eadb4383708fbb98a530117368f6a56a267b..6b3a176282105c78f4c8cc13aed21cc72e4303cf 100755
--- a/bin/topology_data/create_topology_classes.py
+++ b/bin/topology_data/create_topology_classes.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from typing import Dict, List, Any, NamedTuple
 from enum import Enum, unique
 from abc import abstractmethod
 from ast import literal_eval
+import livestatus
 from create_topology_utils import (
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ class Settings:
 class HostCache:
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, debug: bool = False):
         self.__cache = {}
         self.__inventory_pre_fetch_list: List[str] = [
@@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ class HostCache:
             the inventory data as dictionary
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def get_interface_items(self, host: str, debug: bool = False) -> List:
@@ -214,6 +217,7 @@ class HostCache:
             list of the interface items
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def __fill_cache(self, host: str):
         # pre fill inventory data
@@ -337,3 +341,82 @@ class HostCacheFileSystem(HostCache):
             return []
         return __data
+class HostCacheMultiSite(HostCache):
+    def __init__(self, debug: bool = False):
+        super().__init__(debug=debug)
+        self.__sites = {}
+        self.get_sites(debug=debug)
+        self.__c = livestatus.MultiSiteConnection(self.__sites)
+        # self.__c.set_prepend_site(False)  # is default
+        # self.__c.parallelize = True   # is default
+        self.__dead_sites = [site['site']['alias'] for site in self.__c.dead_sites().values()]
+        if self.__dead_sites:
+            self.__dead_sites = ', '.join( self.__dead_sites)
+            print(f'WARNING: use of dead site(s) {self.__dead_sites} is disabled')
+            self.__c.set_only_sites(self.__c.alive_sites())
+    def get_sites(self, debug: bool = False):
+        sites_mk = Path(f'{OMD_ROOT}/etc/check_mk/multisite.d/sites.mk')
+        socket_path = f'unix:{OMD_ROOT}/tmp/run/live'
+        if sites_mk.exists():
+            # make eval() "secure"
+            # https://realpython.com/python-eval-function/#minimizing-the-security-issues-of-eval
+            _code = compile(sites_mk.read_text(), "<string>", "eval")
+            allowed_names = ['sites', 'update']
+            for name in _code.co_names:
+                if name not in allowed_names:
+                    raise NameError(f'Use of {name} in {sites_mk.name} not allowed.')
+            sites_raw = {}
+            eval(sites_mk.read_text(), {"__builtins__": {}}, {"sites": sites_raw})
+            for site, data in sites_raw.items():
+                self.__sites[site] = {
+                    'alias': data['alias'],
+                    'timeout': data['timeout'],
+                    'nagios_url': '/nagios/',
+                }
+                if data['socket'] == ('local', None):
+                    self.__sites[site]['socket'] = socket_path
+                else:
+                    protocol, socket = data['socket']
+                    address, port = socket['address']
+                    self.__sites[site]['socket'] = f'{protocol}:{address}:{port}'
+                    self.__sites[site]['tls'] = socket['tls']
+                if debug:
+                    print(f'Multisite: Site {site} found, '
+                          f'Socket: {self.__sites[site]["socket"]}, '
+                          f'TLS: {self.__sites[site].get("tls", "N/A")}.')
+    def get_inventory_data(self, host: str, debug: bool = False) -> Dict[str, str] | None:
+        query = f'GET hosts\nColumns: mk_inventory\nOutputFormat: python3\nFilter: host_name = {host}\n'
+        data = self.__c.query(query=query)
+        if data:
+            try:
+                data = literal_eval(data[0][0].decode('utf-8'))
+            except SyntaxError as e:
+                if debug:
+                    print(f'data: |{data}|')
+                    print(f'type: {type(data)}')
+                    print(f'exception: {e}')
+                return
+            return data
+    def get_interface_items(self, host: str, debug: bool = False) -> List:
+        query = (
+            'GET services\n'
+            'Columns: host_name description check_command\n'
+            'Filter: description ~ Interface\n'
+            f'Filter: host_name = {host}\n'
+            'OutputFormat: python3\n'
+        )
+        data = self.__c.query(query=query)
+        items = []
+        for host, description, check_command in data:
+            items.append(description[10:])  # remove 'Interface ' from description
+        if debug:
+            print(f'Interfaces items found: {len(items)} an host {host}')
+        return items
diff --git a/bin/topology_data/create_topology_data.py b/bin/topology_data/create_topology_data.py
index e3c66277680ff40554adf1412c1bf68d0452f896..d3caccdd334fc00dae480a22de06d160e76f50b6 100755
--- a/bin/topology_data/create_topology_data.py
+++ b/bin/topology_data/create_topology_data.py
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@
 # 2023-11-16: added option -b/--backend [LIVESTATUS, FILESYSTEM],
 #             LIVESTATUS is the default for performance reasons -> for now only local site
 #             FILESYSTEM fethches the data directly form the inventory files -> use in distributed environments
+# 2023-11-28: added MULTISITE as backend, via livestatus
-# PoC for creating topology_data.json from inventory data
+# creating topology_data.json from inventory data
 # This script creates the topology data file needed for the Checkmk "network_visualization" plugin by
-# Andreas Boesl and schnetz. For more information see
+# Andreas Boesl/schnetz. For more information see
 # https://forum.checkmk.com/t/network-visualization/41680
 # https://exchange.checkmk.com/p/network-visualization
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ from create_topology_classes import (
+    HostCacheMultiSite,
@@ -275,18 +276,20 @@ def create_topology(
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     start_time = time_ns()
     SETTINGS = Settings(vars(parse_arguments()))
+    print()
+    print(f'Start time: {strftime(SETTINGS.time_format)}')
     match SETTINGS.backend:
         case 'LIVESTATUS':
             HOST_CACHE = HostCacheLiveStatus()
         case 'FILESYSTEM':
             HOST_CACHE = HostCacheFileSystem()
+        case 'MULTISITE':
+            HOST_CACHE = HostCacheMultiSite(debug=SETTINGS.debug)
         case _:
             print(f'Backend {SETTINGS.backend} not (yet) implemented')
-    print()
-    print(f'Start time: {strftime(SETTINGS.time_format)}')
     user_data = get_data_from_toml(file=SETTINGS.user_data_file)
     HOST_MAP = user_data.get('HOST_MAP', {})
     DROP_HOSTS = user_data.get('DROP_HOSTS', [])
diff --git a/mkp/create_topology_data-0.3.0-20231128.mkp b/mkp/create_topology_data-0.3.0-20231128.mkp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c56f1b9d2510820ca71ec418fcf8ed95361ddc67
Binary files /dev/null and b/mkp/create_topology_data-0.3.0-20231128.mkp differ
diff --git a/packages/create_topology_data b/packages/create_topology_data
index 3675ee3ba919fd43877bcc8af689081856a40dcc..9c199bfded9ea3c0421e6c880132febbbffc28e8 100644
--- a/packages/create_topology_data
+++ b/packages/create_topology_data
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
  'name': 'create_topology_data',
  'title': 'Network Visualization data creation',
- 'version': '0.2.0-20231116',
+ 'version': '0.3.0-20231128',
  'version.min_required': '2.2.0p1',
  'version.packaged': '2.2.0p14',
  'version.usable_until': '2.3.0p1'}