diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0040f33485f8d0010ca8c3188100d23c31930679..d09f2e0f7d15bbe39c11aad64091877e97d66d78 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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 [PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/create_topology_data-0.0.2-20231012.mkp "create_topology_data-0.0.2-20231012.mkp"
-# Title
+# Create network topology data dile
-A short description about the plugin
+## PoC for creating topology_data.json from inventory data
-if there are more than on plugin put it in collapsable sections
+This script creates the topology data file needed for the [Checkmk Exchange Network visualization](https://exchange.checkmk.com/p/network-visualization) plugin by Andreas Boesl and schnetz. For more information see [Checkmk forum Network Visualization](https://forum.checkmk.com/t/network-visualization/41680).
+The inventory data could be created with my CDP/LLDP inventory plugins:
+CDP: [CDP inventory plugin](https://thl-cmk.hopto.org/gitlab/checkmk/vendor-independent/inventory/inv_cdp_cache/)\
+CDP path-in-inventory: `"networking,cdp_cache"`\
+CDP inventory-columns: `"device_id,local_port,device_port"`
+LLDP: [LLD inventory plugin](https://thl-cmk.hopto.org/gitlab/checkmk/vendor-independent/inventory/inv_lldp_cache/)\
+LLDP path-in-inventory: `"networking,lldp_cache"`\
+LLDP inventory-columns: `"system_name,local_port_num,port_id"`
+USAGE CDP (is the default):
+~/local/lib/topology_data/create_topology_data.py -s CORE01 -m
+~/local/lib/topology_data/create_topology_data.py -s CORE01 -p "networking,lldp_cache" -c "system_name,local_port_num,port_id" -m
 ### Download
@@ -31,72 +45,23 @@ In the Enterprise/Free/Cloud edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install t
 Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md "Contributing")
-### Check Info
-The plugin creates the service **_SERVICENAME_** for each discovered FOR WHAT with the **_HOW_TO_BUILD_THE_ITEM_** as item
-<details><summary>Montoring states</summary>
-| State | condition | WATO | 
-| ------ | ------ | ------ |
-| WARN | condition 1 | yes |
-| CRIT | condition 2 | no |
-| WARN/CRIT | condition 3 | no |
-| Metric | Unit | Perfometer |
-| ------ | ------ | ------ |
-| METRIC 1 | bit/s | yes |
-| METRIC 2 | C | yes |
-| METRIC 3 | V | no |
-### WATO
-<details><summary>Service monitoring rule</summary>
-| Section | Rule name |
-| ------ | ------ |
-| Networking | NAME_OF_THE_RULE  |
-| Option | Defailt value |
-| ------ | ------ |
-| OPTION 1 | 10/50|
-| OPTION 2 | 70/90 |
-| OPTION 3 | CHOICE 1 |
-| OPTION 4 | disabled |
-<details><summary>Discovery rule</summary>
-| Section | Rule name |
-| ------ | ------ |
-| Discovery of individual services | NAME_OF_THE_RULE  |
-| Option | Defailt value |
-| ------ | ------ |
-| OPTION 1 | disabled |
-<details><summary>HW/SW inventory rules</summary>
-The inventory plugin is not configurable.
 ### Sample Output
 Sample output
-![sample output](/img/sample.png?raw=true "sample output")
+OMD[build]:~$ ~/local/bin/topology_data/create_topology_data.py -s C9540-7-1 -m
+Start time: 2023-10-12T16:31:32.10
+Device: lr-cos-ap-010: not found in auto checks path!
+Device: lr-cos-ap-010: interface (Gi0) not found in services
+Devices added: 56, source inv_CDP
+time taken: 0.532150752/s
+End time: 2023-10-12T16:31:33.10
-Sample output details
+Sample network topology
 ![sample output details](/img/sample-details.png?raw=true "sample output details")