2024-11-29: initial release
2024-11-29: added host label section
2024-12-02: changed host label to nvdct/l3v4_host:yes and nvdct/l3v4_routing:yes
2024-12-03: fixed crash in host label function on missing ipv4_address
            added support for IPv6 addresses
            added support for multiple IPs per interface
2024-12-05  changed to use ip_interface
2024-12-06: changed hostlabel to nvdct/l3v4_topology:host and nvdct/l3v4_topology:router -> do a hostlabel rediscovery (cmk -IL && cmk -R)
2024-12-09: rewritten for CMK check API 2
2024-12-10: added host label nvdct/l3v6_topology:host and nvdct/l3v6_topology:router
2014-12-12: fix crash in host label function if interface has no ip-address