# LLDP inventory plugin [(Download the MKP package)](/../../../-/raw/master/inv_lldp_cache.mkp "Download MKP package")

**Note: this package is for CheckMK version 2.x. For other versions see the corresponding branch.**

Adds the LLDP information from network devices to the inventory

*  *wato*: 
    *  you can remove not needed columns from the inventory
    *  you can remove the domain name from the neighbour device name
    *  you can replace interface names with short names

#### Want to contribute?
Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md "Contributing")

Sample output

![sample output](/doc/sample.png?raw=true "sample inventory")

WATO options

![WATO options](/doc/sample-wato.png?raw=true "WATO options")