diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1f83346fb03358c6f1805605b4955774868584f8..ee964880b04a003bbb5b61df7d3b77109ba29103 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/inv_ipv4_addresses-0.0.4-20240407.mkp "inv_ipv4_addresses-0.0.4-20240407.mkp"
+[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp "inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp"
 # Inventory of IP addresses
 The plugin adds the IP-addresses information to the inventory for devices monitored via SNMP. The plugin supports IPv4 and IPv6.
diff --git a/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp b/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..833326e6f28e095e4581d685cac51e08697256e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp differ
diff --git a/source/agent_based/inv_ipv4_addresses.py b/source/agent_based/inv_ipv4_addresses.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a90ed5e0b45b34130f56d9ee9e7098a8306e081..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/source/agent_based/inv_ipv4_addresses.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# License: GNU General Public License v2
-# Author: thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com
-# URL   : https://thl-cmk.hopto.org
-# Date  : 2023-12-27
-# File  : inv_ipv4_addresses.py
-# inventory of IPv4 address information
-# 2024-04-07: fixed missing/wrong netmask (ThX bitwiz@forum.checkmk.com)
-#             improved validation if SNMP input data
-#             drop this host ip address (
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import List
-from ipaddress import AddressValueError, IPv4Address, IPv4Network, NetmaskValueError
-from cmk.base.plugins.agent_based.agent_based_api.v1 import (
-    OIDEnd,
-from cmk.base.plugins.agent_based.agent_based_api.v1 import (
-    HostLabel,
-    SNMPTree,
-    TableRow,
-    exists,
-    register,
-from cmk.base.plugins.agent_based.agent_based_api.v1.type_defs import (
-    HostLabelGenerator,
-    InventoryResult,
-    StringTable,
-class Ipv4Info:
-    address: str
-    broadcast: str
-    cidr: int
-    if_index: int | None
-    if_name: str
-    max_re_assemble: int | None
-    netmask: str
-    network: str
-def parse_inv_ipv4_addresses(string_table: List[StringTable]) -> List[Ipv4Info] | None:
-    try:
-        ipv4_info, if_info = string_table
-    except ValueError:
-        return
-    try:
-        interface_by_index = {if_index: if_name for if_index, if_name in if_info}
-    except ValueError:
-        interface_by_index = {}
-    ipv4_infos = []
-    for entry in ipv4_info:
-        try:
-            ipv4_address, if_index, ipv4_netmask, ipv4_bcast, max_re_assemble = entry
-        except ValueError:
-            continue
-        try:
-            ipv4_address = IPv4Address(ipv4_address)
-        except AddressValueError:
-            continue
-        if ipv4_address.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
-            continue
-        if ipv4_address.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
-            continue
-        try:
-            ipv4 = IPv4Network(address=f'{ipv4_address.exploded}/{ipv4_netmask}', strict=False)
-        except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
-            continue
-        ipv4_infos.append(
-            Ipv4Info(
-                address=str(ipv4_address.exploded),
-                broadcast=str(ipv4.broadcast_address),
-                cidr=int(ipv4.prefixlen),
-                if_index=int(if_index) if if_index.isdigit() else None,
-                if_name=str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index)),
-                max_re_assemble=int(max_re_assemble) if max_re_assemble.isdigit() else None,
-                netmask=str(ipv4.netmask),
-                network=str(ipv4.network_address),
-            )
-        )
-    return ipv4_infos
-def host_label_inv_ipv4_addresses(section: List[Ipv4Info]) -> HostLabelGenerator:
-    _non_host_ips = 0
-    for ipv4 in section:
-        if ipv4.cidr != 32 and not ipv4.address.startswith('127.'):
-            _non_host_ips += 1
-    if _non_host_ips > 1:
-        yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/routing_capable", value="yes")
-def inventory_ipv4_addresses(section: List[Ipv4Info]) -> InventoryResult:
-    path = ['networking', 'addresses']
-    for ipv4_info in section:
-        key_columns = {
-            'address': ipv4_info.address,
-            'device': ipv4_info.if_name,
-        }
-        inventory_columns = {
-            'broadcast': ipv4_info.broadcast,
-            'cidr': ipv4_info.cidr,
-            # 'if_index': ipv4_info.if_index,
-            # 'max_re_assemble': ipv4_info.max_re_assemble,
-            'netmask': ipv4_info.netmask,
-            'network': ipv4_info.network,
-            'type': 'ipv4',
-        }
-        yield TableRow(
-            path=path,
-            key_columns=key_columns,
-            inventory_columns=inventory_columns
-        )
-    name='inv_ipv4_addresses',
-    parse_function=parse_inv_ipv4_addresses,
-    host_label_function=host_label_inv_ipv4_addresses,
-    fetch=[
-        SNMPTree(
-            base='.',  # IP-MIB::ipAddrEntry
-            oids=[
-                '1',  # ipAdEntAddr
-                '2',  # ipAdEntIfIndex
-                '3',  # ipAdEntNetMask
-                '4',  # ipAdEntBcastAddr
-                '5',  # ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
-            ]
-        ),
-        SNMPTree(
-            base='.',  #
-            oids=[
-                OIDEnd(),  # ifIndex
-                '1',  # ifName
-            ]),
-    ],
-    detect=exists('.*'),  #
-    name='inv_ipv4_addresses',
-    inventory_function=inventory_ipv4_addresses,
diff --git a/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py b/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92b6d60d699b316562661112bea3f4256b60ef86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# License: GNU General Public License v2
+# Author: thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com
+# URL   : https://thl-cmk.hopto.org
+# Date  : 2023-12-27
+# File  : inv_ip_addresses.py
+# inventory of IPv4 address information
+# 2024-04-07: fixed missing/wrong netmask (ThX bitwiz@forum.checkmk.com)
+#             improved validation of SNMP input data
+#             drop this host ip address (
+# 2024-12-02: incompatible: changed host label to nvdct/l3v4_host:yes and nvdct/l3v4_routing:yes
+# 2024-12-03: added IP-MIB::ipAddressTable for IPv6 support
+#             incompatible: renamed to inv_ip_address -> remove inv_ipv4_address.mkp before updating
+# 2024-12-05  changed to use ip_interface
+# 2024-12-06: incompatible: changed hostlabel to nvdct/l3v4_topology:host and nvdct/l3v4_topology:router
+# 2024-12-09: rewritten for CMK checkAPI 2.0
+from collections.abc import Mapping, MutableSequence, Sequence
+from ipaddress import AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError, ip_interface
+from re import match as re_match
+from typing import List
+from cmk.agent_based.v2 import (
+    HostLabel,
+    HostLabelGenerator,
+    InventoryPlugin,
+    InventoryResult,
+    OIDBytes,
+    OIDEnd,
+    SNMPSection,
+    SNMPTree,
+    StringByteTable,
+    TableRow,
+    exists,
+__ip_info_34_ios = [
+    [
+        '',  # OID end -> type: ipv4, length: 4, ipv4 address
+        [],  # ip address -> empty
+        '3',  # interface index
+        '.'  # prefix -> last number (30)
+    ],
+    [
+        '',  # OID end -> type: ipv6, length: 16, ipv6 address
+        [],
+        '3',
+        '.'
+    ],
+    [
+        '',
+        # OID end -> type: ipv6z, length: 20, ipv6 address with interface identifier (
+        [],
+        '3',
+        '.0.0'
+    ],
+__ip_info_34_ibm = [
+    [
+        '',
+        # OID end -> type: ipv4, length: 15, ipv4 address ('')
+        [],
+        '805306370',
+        '.0.0'
+    ],
+    [
+        '',
+        # OID end -> type: ipv6, length: 39, ipv6 address ('0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001')
+        [],
+        '805306371',
+        '.0.0'
+    ],
+__ip_info_34_firepower = [
+    [
+        '',  # OID end -> type: ipv4, , ipv4 address ('')
+        [10, 1, 1, 2],  # ip address in dec bytes
+        '18',
+        '.'
+    ],
+    [
+        '',
+        # OID end -> type: ipv6, ipv6 address ('')
+        [253, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],  # ip address in dec bytes
+        '4',
+        '.'
+    ],
+__ip_info_34_fortinet = [
+    [
+        '',  # OID end -> type: ipv4, ipv4 address (, interface index (76)
+        [],
+        '76',
+        '.0.0.0'  # prefix -> missing
+    ],
+    [
+        '2.10762.22982.8208.4113.',
+        # OID end -> type: ipv6, ipv6 address (10762.22982.8208.4113., interface index (76)
+        [],
+        '40',
+        '.0.0.0'  # prefix -> missing
+    ],
+Section = Sequence[Mapping[str, ip_interface]] | None
+def parse_inv_ip_addresses(string_table: List[StringByteTable]) -> Section:
+    try:
+        ip_info_20, ip_info_34, if_info = string_table
+    except ValueError:
+        return
+    try:
+        interface_by_index = {if_index: if_name for if_index, if_name in if_info}
+    except ValueError:
+        interface_by_index = {}
+    ip_infos: MutableSequence[Mapping[str, ip_interface]] = []
+    for entry in ip_info_34:
+        try:
+            oid_end, dec_ip_address, if_index, ip_prefix = entry
+        except ValueError:
+            continue
+        if (prefix := ip_prefix.split('.')[-1]) == '0':  # drop entries without prefix (0) -> fortinet
+            continue
+        if not (raw_ip := re_match(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)\.([\d|\.]+)', oid_end)):
+            continue
+        raw_type, raw_length, raw_address = raw_ip.groups()
+        if dec_ip_address:
+            raw_address = '.'.join(str(x) for x in dec_ip_address)
+            raw_length = str(len(dec_ip_address))
+        match raw_type:
+            case '1':  # IPv4 address
+                if raw_length == '15':
+                    raw_address = ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in raw_address.split('.')])
+                    raw_address = '.'.join([str(int(x)) for x in raw_address.split('.')])
+            case '2':  # IPv6 address
+                match raw_length:
+                    case '16':
+                        raw_address = [f'{int(x):02x}' for x in raw_address.split('.')]
+                        raw_address = ':'.join(
+                            [''.join([raw_address[i], raw_address[i + 1]]) for i in range(0, len(raw_address), 2)]
+                        )
+                    case '39':
+                        raw_address = ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in raw_address.split('.')])
+            case _:
+                continue
+        try:
+            interface = ip_interface(f'{raw_address}/{prefix}')
+        except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
+            continue
+        if interface.ip.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
+            continue
+        if interface.ip.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
+            continue
+        ip_infos.append({(str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index))): interface})
+    for entry in ip_info_20:
+        try:
+            raw_address, if_index, raw_netmask = entry
+        except ValueError:
+            continue
+        try:
+            interface = ip_interface(f'{raw_address}/{raw_netmask}')
+        except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
+            continue
+        if interface.ip.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
+            continue
+        if interface.ip.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
+            continue
+        ip_infos.append({str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index)): interface})
+    return ip_infos
+def host_label_inv_ip_addresses(section: Section) -> HostLabelGenerator:
+    """
+    Host label function
+    Labels:
+        nvdct/l3v4_topology:
+            This label is set to "host" for all devices with one IPv4 address except form and to
+            "router" for all devices with more than one IPv4 address except form
+    """
+    non_host_ips = 0
+    for entry in section:
+        ip_data = entry.values()
+        if ip_data.version == 4 and not ip_data.ip.is_loopback:
+            non_host_ips += 1
+            if non_host_ips == 1:
+                yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v4_topology", value="host")
+            if non_host_ips > 1:
+                yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v4_topology", value="router")
+                return
+def inventory_ip_addresses(section: Section) -> InventoryResult:
+    address_type = {
+        4: 'ipv4',
+        6: 'ipv6',
+    }
+    for entry in section:
+        for if_name, ip_data in entry.items():
+            yield TableRow(
+                path=['networking', 'addresses'],
+                key_columns={
+                    'address': str(ip_data.ip.compressed),
+                    'device': if_name,
+                },
+                inventory_columns={
+                    'broadcast': str(ip_data.network.broadcast_address),
+                    'cidr': ip_data.network.prefixlen,
+                    'netmask': str(ip_data.network.netmask),
+                    'network': str(ip_data.network.network_address),
+                    'type': address_type.get(ip_data.version).lower(),
+                }
+            )
+snmp_section_inv_ip_address = SNMPSection(
+    name='inv_ip_addresses',
+    parse_function=parse_inv_ip_addresses,
+    host_label_function=host_label_inv_ip_addresses,
+    fetch=[
+        SNMPTree(
+            base='.',  # IP-MIB::ipAddrEntry
+            oids=[
+                '1',  # ipAdEntAddr
+                '2',  # ipAdEntIfIndex
+                '3',  # ipAdEntNetMask
+            ]
+        ),
+        SNMPTree(
+            base='.',  # IP-MIB::ipAddrEntry
+            oids=[
+                OIDEnd(),  # type.length.ip-address
+                OIDBytes('2'),  # ipAddressAddr
+                '3',  # ipAddressIfIndex
+                '5',  # ipAddressPrefix
+            ]
+        ),
+        SNMPTree(
+            base='.',  #
+            oids=[
+                OIDEnd(),  # ifIndex
+                '1',  # ifName
+            ]),
+    ],
+    detect=exists('.*'),  #
+inventory_plugin_inv_ip_address = InventoryPlugin(
+    name='inv_ip_addresses',
+    inventory_function=inventory_ip_addresses,
diff --git a/source/packages/inv_ip_address b/source/packages/inv_ip_address
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e96434dfc53342e0b40dc3daf11f79f41257b9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/packages/inv_ip_address
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{'author': 'Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)',
+ 'description': 'Adds the IP addresses of a device monitored via SNMP to the '
+                'inventory\n'
+                '\n'
+                'Adds host labels:\n'
+                ' - nvdct/l3v4_host: This label is set to "yes" for all '
+                'devices with one IPv4 address except form\n'
+                ' - nvdct/l3v4_routing: This label is set to "yes" for all '
+                'devices with more than one IPv4 address except form '
+                '\n',
+ 'download_url': 'https://thl-cmk.hopto.org',
+ 'files': {'cmk_addons_plugins': ['inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py'],
+           'web': ['plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py']},
+ 'name': 'inv_ip_address',
+ 'title': 'Inventory of IP addresses',
+ 'version': '0.0.5-20241209',
+ 'version.min_required': '2.3.0b1',
+ 'version.packaged': 'cmk-mkp-tool 0.2.0',
+ 'version.usable_until': '2.4.0b1'}
diff --git a/source/packages/inv_ipv4_addresses b/source/packages/inv_ipv4_addresses
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d34da0631bf341ee96d0541bf714fdb1561cf1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/source/packages/inv_ipv4_addresses
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-{'author': 'Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)',
- 'description': 'Adds the IPv4 addresses of a device monitored via SNMP to the '
-                'inventory\n',
- 'download_url': 'https://thl-cmk.hopto.org',
- 'files': {'agent_based': ['inv_ipv4_addresses.py'],
-           'web': ['plugins/views/inv_ipv4_addresses.py']},
- 'name': 'inv_ipv4_addresses',
- 'title': 'Inventory of IPv4 addresses',
- 'version': '0.0.4-20240407',
- 'version.min_required': '2.2.0b1',
- 'version.packaged': 'cmk-mkp-tool 0.2.0',
- 'version.usable_until': '2.4.0b1'}
diff --git a/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ipv4_addresses.py b/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py
similarity index 92%
rename from source/web/plugins/views/inv_ipv4_addresses.py
rename to source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py
index b6fbf8877bb2e073228763741c7295dceb71fedb..81afc041eefdc5dffe42436a7466816453fe759b 100644
--- a/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ipv4_addresses.py
+++ b/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ inventory_displayhints.update({
-            'cidr',
-            'netmask',
+            'netmask',
+            'cidr',
         'view': 'invipaddresses_of_host',
     '.networking.addresses:*.address': {'title': _l('Address')},
     '.networking.addresses:*.broadcast': {'title': _l('Broadcast')},
-    '.networking.addresses:*.cidr': {'title': _l('CIDR'), },  # 'filter': FilterInvtableIDRange},
+    '.networking.addresses:*.cidr': {'title': _l('Prefix'), },  # 'filter': FilterInvtableIDRange},
     '.networking.addresses:*.device': {'title': _l('Device')},
     '.networking.addresses:*.netmask': {'title': _l('Netmask')},
     '.networking.addresses:*.network': {'title': _l('Network')},