diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0b3d2b2642c3467d660a7b46489f1acc08b7ea0f..97eea0922a137ca0e0e41a1d876bd9ba83fe9923 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp "inv_ip_address-0.0.5-20241209.mkp"
+[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.6-20241210.mkp "inv_ip_address-0.0.6-20241210.mkp"
 # Inventory of IP addresses
 The plugin adds the IP-addresses information to the inventory for devices monitored via SNMP. The plugin supports IPv4 and IPv6.
diff --git a/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.6-20241210.mkp b/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.6-20241210.mkp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea80d563999a5f6224b77e4a24475640e770b585
Binary files /dev/null and b/mkp/inv_ip_address-0.0.6-20241210.mkp differ
diff --git a/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py b/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py
index 92b6d60d699b316562661112bea3f4256b60ef86..7ccce2010c8ba713c55db2af94dc2f2166d98128 100644
--- a/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py
+++ b/source/cmk_addons_plugins/inv_ip_address/agent_based/inv_ip_addresses.py
@@ -17,8 +17,12 @@
 # 2024-12-03: added IP-MIB::ipAddressTable for IPv6 support
 #             incompatible: renamed to inv_ip_address -> remove inv_ipv4_address.mkp before updating
 # 2024-12-05  changed to use ip_interface
-# 2024-12-06: incompatible: changed hostlabel to nvdct/l3v4_topology:host and nvdct/l3v4_topology:router
+# 2024-12-06: incompatible: changed host label to nvdct/l3v4_topology:host and nvdct/l3v4_topology:router
 # 2024-12-09: rewritten for CMK checkAPI 2.0
+# 2024-12-10: fixed crash in host label function (AttributeError ('dict_values' object has no attribute 'version'))
+#             added support for ipv6z address type
+#             fixed duplicate ip information in section
+#             added host label nvdct/l3v6_topology:host and nvdct/l3v6_topology:router
 from collections.abc import Mapping, MutableSequence, Sequence
 from ipaddress import AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError, ip_interface
@@ -130,6 +134,9 @@ def parse_inv_ip_addresses(string_table: List[StringByteTable]) -> Section:
         except ValueError:
+        if oid_end.startswith(''):  # ipv6z, link local
+            ip_prefix = '64'
         if (prefix := ip_prefix.split('.')[-1]) == '0':  # drop entries without prefix (0) -> fortinet
@@ -156,21 +163,36 @@ def parse_inv_ip_addresses(string_table: List[StringByteTable]) -> Section:
                     case '39':
                         raw_address = ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in raw_address.split('.')])
+            case '4':  # ipv6z
+                # [
+                #     ['', [], '1', '.0.0'],
+                #     ['', [], '2', '.0.0']
+                # ]
+                # IP-MIB::ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:92:01:68:00:10:01:41%301989890" = INTEGER: 1
+                # IP-MIB::ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6z."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:92:01:68:00:10:01:41%301989891" = INTEGER: 2
+                match raw_length:
+                    case '20':
+                        raw_address = [f'{int(x):02x}' for x in raw_address.split('.')]
+                        scope_id = '.'.join(raw_address[16:])
+                        raw_address = ':'.join(
+                            [''.join([raw_address[i], raw_address[i + 1]]) for i in range(0, len(raw_address) - 4, 2)]
+                        )
+                        raw_address += f'%{scope_id}'
             case _:
-            interface = ip_interface(f'{raw_address}/{prefix}')
+            interface_ip = ip_interface(f'{raw_address}/{prefix}')
         except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
-        if interface.ip.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
+        if interface_ip.ip.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
-        if interface.ip.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
+        if interface_ip.ip.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
-        ip_infos.append({(str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index))): interface})
+        ip_infos.append({(str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index))): interface_ip})
     for entry in ip_info_20:
@@ -179,17 +201,18 @@ def parse_inv_ip_addresses(string_table: List[StringByteTable]) -> Section:
-            interface = ip_interface(f'{raw_address}/{raw_netmask}')
+            interface_ip = ip_interface(f'{raw_address}/{raw_netmask}')
         except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
-        if interface.ip.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
+        if interface_ip.ip.is_loopback:  # Drop localhost
-        if interface.ip.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
+        if interface_ip.ip.exploded == '':  # drop this host address
-        ip_infos.append({str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index)): interface})
+        if not (ip_info := {str(interface_by_index.get(if_index, if_index)): interface_ip}) in ip_infos:
+            ip_infos.append(ip_info)
     return ip_infos
@@ -199,19 +222,33 @@ def host_label_inv_ip_addresses(section: Section) -> HostLabelGenerator:
     Host label function
-            This label is set to "host" for all devices with one IPv4 address except form and to
-            "router" for all devices with more than one IPv4 address except form
+            "host" is set for all devices with one IPv4 address
+            "router" is set for all devices with more than one IPv4 address.
+        nvdct/l3v6_topology:
+            "host" is set for all devices with one IPv6 address
+            "router" is set for all devices with more than one IPv6 address.
+        Link-local ("FE80::/64), unspecified ("::") and local-host ("", "::1") IPs don't count.
-    non_host_ips = 0
-    for entry in section:
-        ip_data = entry.values()
-        if ip_data.version == 4 and not ip_data.ip.is_loopback:
-            non_host_ips += 1
-            if non_host_ips == 1:
-                yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v4_topology", value="host")
-            if non_host_ips > 1:
-                yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v4_topology", value="router")
-                return
+    valid_v4_ips = 0
+    valid_v6_ips = 0
+    for interface_ips in section:
+        for interface_ip in interface_ips.values():
+            if interface_ip.version == 4 and not interface_ip.is_loopback:
+                valid_v4_ips += 1
+                if valid_v4_ips == 1:
+                    yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v4_topology", value="host")
+                if valid_v4_ips == 2:
+                    yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v4_topology", value="router")
+            elif interface_ip.version == 6 and not interface_ip.is_loopback \
+                    and not interface_ip.is_link_local and not interface_ip.is_unspecified:
+                valid_v6_ips += 1
+                if valid_v6_ips == 1:
+                    yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v6_topology", value="host")
+                if valid_v6_ips == 2:
+                    yield HostLabel(name="nvdct/l3v6_topology", value="router")
 def inventory_ip_addresses(section: Section) -> InventoryResult:
@@ -221,6 +258,11 @@ def inventory_ip_addresses(section: Section) -> InventoryResult:
     for entry in section:
         for if_name, ip_data in entry.items():
+            try:  # ipv4 has no scope_id
+                scope_id = ip_data.scope_id
+            except AttributeError:
+                scope_id = None
             yield TableRow(
                 path=['networking', 'addresses'],
@@ -233,6 +275,7 @@ def inventory_ip_addresses(section: Section) -> InventoryResult:
                     'netmask': str(ip_data.network.netmask),
                     'network': str(ip_data.network.network_address),
                     'type': address_type.get(ip_data.version).lower(),
+                    **({"scope_id": str(scope_id)} if scope_id else {}),
@@ -273,3 +316,4 @@ inventory_plugin_inv_ip_address = InventoryPlugin(
diff --git a/source/packages/inv_ip_address b/source/packages/inv_ip_address
index e96434dfc53342e0b40dc3daf11f79f41257b9da..db97744ad45ce1eabd73f3dbef707aa91caacd05 100644
--- a/source/packages/inv_ip_address
+++ b/source/packages/inv_ip_address
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
            'web': ['plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py']},
  'name': 'inv_ip_address',
  'title': 'Inventory of IP addresses',
- 'version': '0.0.5-20241209',
+ 'version': '0.0.6-20241210',
  'version.min_required': '2.3.0b1',
  'version.packaged': 'cmk-mkp-tool 0.2.0',
  'version.usable_until': '2.4.0b1'}
diff --git a/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py b/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py
index 81afc041eefdc5dffe42436a7466816453fe759b..84c70aba617447679d942bb6c0096269acc778d1 100644
--- a/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py
+++ b/source/web/plugins/views/inv_ip_addresses.py
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ inventory_displayhints.update({
     '.networking.addresses:*.address': {'title': _l('Address')},
     '.networking.addresses:*.broadcast': {'title': _l('Broadcast')},
-    '.networking.addresses:*.cidr': {'title': _l('Prefix'), },  # 'filter': FilterInvtableIDRange},
+    '.networking.addresses:*.cidr': {'title': _l('Prefix Length'), },  # 'filter': FilterInvtableIDRange},
     '.networking.addresses:*.device': {'title': _l('Device')},
     '.networking.addresses:*.netmask': {'title': _l('Netmask')},
     '.networking.addresses:*.network': {'title': _l('Network')},
-    '.networking.addresses:*.type': {'title': _l('Address Type'), 'paint': 'ip_address_type'},
+    '.networking.addresses:*.type': {'title': _l('Type'), 'paint': 'ip_address_type'},
+    '.networking.addresses:*.scope_id': {'title': _l('Scope ID')},