# Extended traceroute plugin [(Download the MKP package)](/../../../-/raw/master/active_check_traceroute.mkp "Download MKP package") This is a extension for the original CheckMK traceroute plugin (Routing) adds the following options: - service description suffix - alternate destination address - destination port for UDP/TCP path trace - max hops - queries per hop - source address - source interface (needs root permissions) - perfometer **Note: Source address and source interface uses the "shell=True" option in in the "subprocess.Popen" command. This is highly insecure, so be careful.** **Note**: the original TCP path trace option also needs root permisions. --- Check Info: * *service*: creates the service **_Routing {item}_** with optional suffix as item --- * *state*: see original plugin --- * *wato*: [(see WATO options)](/../../../-/raw/master/doc/wato.png "see sample screenshot") --- * *perfdata*: see original plugin --- Sample output ![sample output](/doc/sample.png?raw=true "sample output") WATO ![WATO options](/doc/wato.png?raw=true "WATO options")