Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com

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thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-12-03: added source address, sourse interface, port
2021-12-04: added max hops, queries, destination address, service description suffix, perfometer
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2023-06-07: moved gui files to ~/local/lib/chek_mk/gui/plugins/...
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2024-05-26: changed max. CMK version for 0.0.2-20230607 to 2.2.0b1
            updated version 0.0.3-20240526 to work with CMK 2.2.x