Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com

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thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2024-04-21: initial release
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2024-02-21: METRICS: changed import path form cmk.gui.plugins.metrics to mk.gui.plugins.metrics.utils
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            added metrics/graph for unbound_unwanted_replies
            moved to ~/local/lib/check_mk/gui/plugins/metrics (from local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/metrics)
            added perfometer for unbound_answers (NOERROR/SERVFAIL) and unbound_unwanted_replies
            WATO: fixed missing FixedValue in import
            changed Alternative titles to "Upper levels in qps"/"Upper levels in %" to better differentiate between them
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            added explicit unit "%"
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            added ruleset for bakery
            renamed to (from
            moved to ~/local/lib/check_mk/gui/plugins/wato/check_parameters (from local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/wato)            
            check plugin: removed Union -> no need "int | float" should do
            added levels_upper_NOERROR to default parameters -> show up in info line
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            bakery: added bakery plugin und wato for bakery
2024-05-14: separated WATO for bakery and check in two files
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2024-05-21: added config file option to the agent config
            made agent plugin more reliable
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            added unbound status

# ################################################################################################################# #
#                                                                                                                   #
# NOTE: before updating to this version remove the Unbound backery rule and create the rule after the update again  #
#                                                                                                                   #
# ################################################################################################################# #
2024-05-22: changed time for get_rate from section to system time
            added output in case get_rate is initialising (unknown state in discovery)
            removed default levels for unbound_answers
            added params for unwanted replies     
            added ruleset for unwanted replies