Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com

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[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/unbound-1.2.0-20240421.mkp "unbound-1.2.0-20240421.mkp"
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# unbound
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This agent plugin cheks the state of the unbound dns daemon. For more information about unbound see:
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**note'': to use this plugin you need to enable the extended statistics in the unbound configuration.
    extended-statistics: yes
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The agent plugin can be distributed via the agent bakery.
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### Acnowlegement

This plugin is based on the work of Jan-Philipp Litza (PLUTEX) jpl[at]plutex[dor]de. See for more details.
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### Download
* [Download latest mkp file][PACKAGE]

**Note**: before you update to a newer version, always check the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG). There migth be incompatible changes.
### Installation

You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run 
mkp add PAKAGE_NAME.mkp

In the Enterprise/Free/Cloud edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_)

### Want to Contribute?

Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines]( "Contributing")

### Check Info

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The plugin creates the services
- Unbound Answers
- Unbound Answers
- Unbound Unwanted Replies
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<details><summary>Discovery rule</summary>
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There is no discovery rule.
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<details><summary>HW/SW inventory rules</summary>
The inventory plugin is not configurable.

### Sample Output

Sample output

![sample output](/img/sample.png?raw=true "sample output")