[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/checkmk_update-0.3.0-20240430.mkp "checkmk_update-0.3.0-20240430.mkp" # Checkmk update This plugin mointors the update status of your CMK sites and your CMK appliance firmware. The plugin reads it's data once a day form the Checkmk download page (**https://download.checkmk.com/stable_downloads.json**). THX to Baris Leenders for providing the data as JSON download and Martin Hirschvogel for supporting the development of this plugin (both from tribe29). **NOTE**: before updating from the special agent version of this plugin, remove the old package completely (rules and package) please. **NOTE**: to get the download URLs in the service details not replaced by CMK you need to disable `Escape HTML in service output` (_Setup_ > _Services_ > _Service monitoring rules_ > _Escape HTML in service output_) for the service `Checkmk Update`. --- ### Prerequisites For the check plugin to work - Your CMK site servers need to run check-mk agent version 2.0.0 or higher to get CMK site informations - The HW/SW inventory plugin for Linux must be installad and running (`mk_inventory.linux` agent plugin needs to be deployed) - The CMK server, where the check runs must have access to **https://download.checkmk.com/stable_downloads.json** --- ### Download * [Download latest mkp file][PACKAGE] **Note**: before you update to a newer version, alway check the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG). There migth be incompatible changes. --- ### Installation You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run ``` mkp install PACKAGENAME-VERSION.mkp ``` or beginning with CMK2.2.x ``` mkp add PACKAGENAME-VERSION.mkp mkp enable PACKAGENAME VERSION ``` In the non RAW editions of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_) --- #### Want to contribute? Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md "Contributing") --- #### Check Info: The plugin creates the service **_Checkmk Update_** with the CMK site name as the _item_
Montoring states | State | condition | WATO | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | CRIT | if CMK base version is older than old stable base version | yes | | WARN | if CMK version is older than latest version of base version | yes | | WARN | if CMK version is an old stable release | yes | | WARN | if CMK base version could not be detected | yes | | CRIT | if CMK appliance firmware is unsupported | yes | | WARN | if CMK appliance firmware update is available (same base version) | yes | | WARN | if CMK appliance firmware is not the latest release | yes |
Perfdata | Metric | Unit | Perfometer | | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ----- | | 1.6.0 | count | no | Patchlevel of CMK version 1.6.0 | | 2.0.0 | count | no | Patchlevel of CMK version 2.0.0 | | 2.1.0 | count | no | Patchlevel of CMK version 2.1.0 | | 2.2.0 | count | no | Patchlevel of CMK version 2.2.0 |
--- ### WATO
Service monitoring rule | Section | Rule name | | ------ | ------ | | Operating System Resources | Checkmk update | | Option | Defailt value | | ------ | ------ | | State if CMK base version older than old stable base version. | CRIT | | State if CMK version is older than latest version of base version. | WARN | | State if CMK version is an old stable release. | WARN | | State if CMK base version could not be detected. | WARN | | State if CMK appliance firmware is unsupported. | CRIT | | State if CMK appliance firmware update available (same base version). | WARN | | State if CMK appliance firmware is not the latest release. | WARN | | Connection Timeout for update data download | 5 seconds |
--- Sample output ![sample output](/img/sample.png?raw=true "sample output") Sample details output ![sample details output](/img/sample-details.png?raw=true "sample details output")