[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/juniper_led-0.0.2-20230603.mkp "juniper_led-0.0.2-20230603.mkp"
Monitors the state of the Juniper LEDs using the JUNIPER-MIB.
*Note*: the used OIDs are deprecated by Juniper.
* *service*: this check creates the service _Alarm LED_ for each LED with the LED description as item
* *state*:
- WARN/CRIT/UNKNON based on the LED state
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*: none
### Download
* [juniper_led.mkp (latest version)]( "Download latest version")
### Installation
You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run `mkp install juniper_led.mkp`.
In the Enterprise/Free edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_)