[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/cisco_meraki-1.2.9-20240202.mkp "cisco_meraki-1.2.9-20240202.mkp" [SDK]: ../../raw/master/mkp/MerkaiSDK-1.39.0-202311-10.mkp "MerkaiSDK-1.39.0-202311-10.mkpp" # Cisco Meraki special agent This is an enhanched version of the build in Cisco Meraki special agent.
Cisco Meraki special agent - adds sections - Appliances uplinks - Appliances VPNs - Cellular devices uplinks - Devices uplink info - Switch ports status - Wireless devices ethernet status - Wireless devices SSIDs status - adds an API cache (can be disabled) - adds option to use the organisation id as host prefix (usfull to sort the host automatically in organisation specific folders) - changed include sections option to excludeed sections
Appliance Uplinks Monitors the status of Meraki appliance (i.e. MX series) uplinks. Includes: - uplink state (active, ready, not connected, failed) - Network name - internal/external IP address - IP address assignment method - H/A state / role - DNS server primary/secondary
Appliance VPNs Monitor the status VPN of meraki MX appliances. Includes: - state (reachable, unreachable) - type (Meraki VPN Peer, third party VPN Peer) - mode (hub, ) - used uplinks - local public IP - peer IP address (if available)
Device Info Extends the existing device info inventory plugin by: - adding host labels - cmk/meraki: This label is set to "yes" for all Meraki devices - cmk/meraki/device_type: This label is set to the Meraki product type to which the device belongs, such as "switch" or "wireless". - cmk/meraki/net_id: This label is set to the network id the Meraki device belongs to. - cmk/meraki/net_name: This label is set to the network name the Meraki device belongs to. - cmk/meraki/org_id: This label is set to the organisation id the Meraki device belongs to. - cmk/meraki/org_name: This label is set to the organisation name the Meraki device belongs to. - extending the inventory by adding - the manufacturer - the network name - moving the software part of the inventory to Software -> Applications -> Cisco Meraki Cloud -> Device Info
Device Status
Device Uplinks
Licenses Overview
Sensor Readings
--- ### Download * [Download latest mkp file][PACKAGE] * [Download the latest Cisco Merkai SDK mkp file][SDK] **Note**: before you update to a newer version, always check the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG). There migth be incompatible changes. --- ### Installation You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run ``` mkp add PAKAGE_NAME.mkp mkp enable PAKAGE_NAME VERSION ``` In the Enterprise/Free/Cloud edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_) --- ### Want to Contribute? Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md "Contributing") --- ### Check Info The plugin creates the service **_SERVICENAME_** for each discovered FOR WHAT with the **_HOW_TO_BUILD_THE_ITEM_** as item
Montoring states | State | condition | WATO | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | WARN | condition 1 | yes | | CRIT | condition 2 | no | | WARN/CRIT | condition 3 | no |
Perfdata | Metric | Unit | Perfometer | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | METRIC 1 | bit/s | yes | | METRIC 2 | C | yes | | METRIC 3 | V | no |
--- ### WATO
Service monitoring rule | Section | Rule name | | ------ | ------ | | Networking | NAME_OF_THE_RULE | | Option | Defailt value | | ------ | ------ | | OPTION 1 | 10/50| | OPTION 2 | 70/90 | | OPTION 3 | CHOICE 1 | | OPTION 4 | disabled |
Discovery rule | Section | Rule name | | ------ | ------ | | Discovery of individual services | NAME_OF_THE_RULE | | Option | Defailt value | | ------ | ------ | | OPTION 1 | disabled |
HW/SW inventory rules The inventory plugin is not configurable.
--- ### Sample Output Sample output ![sample output](/img/sample.png?raw=true "sample output") Sample output details ![sample output details](/img/sample-details.png?raw=true "sample output details")