2017-03-20: initial version EoX
2017-05-29: fixed empty pid handling
added serial number cleanup
2018-04-09: removed import
2018-09-04: changes for CMK 1.5.x (inv_tree --> inv_tree_list)
2018-09-05: changes for CMK 1.5.x (replaced global variable g_hostname with api call host_name())
2018-08-13: changed variable host_name to _hostname for cmk 1.5
2020-08-04: code cleanup (_create_eox_record function)
moved node tree from to hardware.system
2021-07-23: rewrite for CMK 2.0
2017-03-20: initial version EoX
2017-05-29: fixed empty pid handling
added serial number cleanup
2018-04-09: removed import
2018-09-04: changes for CMK 1.5.x (inv_tree --> inv_tree_list)
2018-09-05: changes for CMK 1.5.x (replaced global variable g_hostname with api call host_name())
2019-08-13: chaged variable host_anme to _hostname for cmk1.5
2020-08-04: moved node tree from to hardware.system
cleanup create_sn2info_record
2017-07-05: initial release
2018-04-09: removed import
2018-09-04: changes for CMK 1.5.x (inv_tree --> inv_tree_list)
2018-09-05: changes for CMK 1.5.x (replaced global variable g_hostname with api call host_name())
2018-01-06: minor changes, added status info for removed advisories (not updated, older than, ...)
2019-08-13: changed for cmk 1.5
#node = inv_tree_list('')
node = inv_tree('')
changed variable host_name to _hostname for cmk 1.5
2017-07-13: initial release
2018-04-09 : removed import
2018-09-04 : changes for CMK 1.5.x (inv_tree --> inv_tree_list)
2018-09-05 : changes for CMK 1.5.x (replaced global variable g_hostname with api call host_name())
2019-08-13 : changes for cmk 1.5.x varianle host_name changed to _hotname
2018-12-26: initial release
2019-08-03: changes for cmk 1.5: inv_tree_list to inv_tree, comment out split for cmk 1.5
#bug['known_fixed_releases'] = bug['known_fixed_releases'].split(' ')
#bug['known_affected_releases'] = bug['known_affected_releases'].split(' ')
2021-07-23: rewritten for CMK 2.0
2021-07-24: changed config file format/name to json, removed ConfigParser
2021-07-25: removed sugestion and api_status plugins
2021-07-30: renamed utils/ to utils/
2022-11-30: WATO: fixed CheckParameterRulespecWithoutItem (from CheckParameterRulespecWithItem)