# Cisco VTP status [(Download the MKP package)](/../../../-/raw/master/cisco_vtp.mkp "Download MKP package") **Note: this package is for CheckMK version 2.x. For other versions see the corresponding branch.** Monitors status of Cisco VLAN Trunk Protocol Check Info: * *service*: this check will create the service *VTP* * *state*: **critical** if VTP domain, mode or version is not as expected * * *wato*: [(see WATO options)](/../../../-/raw/master//doc/wato.png "see sample screenshot") * *perfdata*: * \# of VLANs * \# of suspended VLANs Sample output ![sample output](/doc/sample.png?raw=true "sample output") WATO options ![WATO options](/doc/wato.png?raw=true "WATO options")