Collection of Cisco TrustSec checks
* *cisco_trustsec_pac*: monitors the TustSec PAC status
* *cisco_trustsec_environment*: monitors the TrustSec environment status
* *cisco_trustsec_sxp_peer*: monitors the status of TrustSec SXP peers
* *service*: this check creates one service each PAC entry
* *state*: always **OK**
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*: none
Sample output
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_pac.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
## Check Info *cisco_trustsec_environment*:
* *service*: this check creates the service TrustSec environment
* *state*:
* **critical** if *ctsEnvDataLastDownloadStatus* is *failed*, *incomplete* or *timedout*
* **warning** if *ctsEnvDataLastDownloadStatus* is *other*, *inprogress* or *cleared*
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*: none
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_env.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
## Check Info *cisco_trustsec_sxp_peer*:
* *service*: this check creates one for each SXP peer
* **critical** if peer status is *off*
* **warning** if peer status is *other*, *pending on* or *delete hold down*
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*: uptime
Sample output
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_sxp_peer.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")