# Cisco TrustSec
Collection of plugins to monitor the Cisco TrustSec status
* _cisco_trustsec_pac_: monitors the TustSec PAC status
* _cisco_trustsec_environment_: monitors the TrustSec environment status
* _cisco_trustsec_sxp_peer_: monitors the status of TrustSec SXP peers
* _cisco_trustsec_server_: monitors the status of TrustSec download servers
### Download
* [cisco_trustsec.mkp]( "Download the MKP file")
### Installation
You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run `mkp install cisco_trustsec.mkp`.
In the Enterprise/Free edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_)
### Want to Contribute?
Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines]( "Contributing")
### Check Info *cisco_trustsec_pac*:
* _service_: this check creates the service **_TrustSec PAC**_ for each PAC entry with the PAC index as item
* _state_:
* **critical**: if the PAC is expired
* **critical**/**warning** if outside the configured levels for PAC expiration
* _wato_:
* Monitoring state for expired PAC
* Levels for to PAC expiration
* _perfdata_: time to expire in seconds
Sample output
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_pac.png?raw=true "sample trustsec pac")
* _service_: this check creates the service **_TrustSec environment_**
* _state_:
* **critical** if environment download status is failed, incomplete or timed out
* **warning** if environment download status is other, inprogress or cleared
* **critical**/**warning** if refresh overdue outside the configured levels
* _wato_:
* Levels for refresh overdue in hours
* Monitoring states for environment download status
* _perfdata_: time to refresh in seconds
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_env.png?raw=true "sample output trustsec environment")
* _service_: this check creates the service **_TrustSec SXP peer_** for each SXP peer with the peer IP-address as item
* _state_:
* **critical** if peer status is off
* **warning** if peer status is other, pending on* or delete hold down
* **critical**/**warning** if uptime less than the configured levels
* _wato_:
* Monitoring state for SXP peer status and SXP peer not found in SNMP data
* Levels for minimal uptime in minutes
* Alias for each SXP peer
* _perfdata_: uptime
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_sxp_peer.png?raw=true "sample trustsec scp peer")
+ _service_: this check creates the service **_TrustSec server_** for each download server with the server IP-address as item
* _state_:
* **critical** if the server status is not alive
* **warning** if server is not provisioned or server tests are not enabled
* _wato_:
* Monitoring state for Server status, Server provision, Server test enabled, Server not found in SNMP data
* Alias for each server
* _perfdata_: none
![sample output](/doc/sample_trustsec_server.png?raw=true "sample trustsec server")