# Cisco flash [(Download the MKP package)](/../../../-/raw/master/cisco_flash.mkp "Download MKP package")
Collection of plugins for Cisco flash
* *cisco_flash*: monitors Cisco flash partitions
* *snmp_cisco_flash*: Inventory plugin for Cisco flash devices
## Check Info *cisco_flash*:
* *service*: this check will create the service *Cisco flash \<parition name\>* for each partition
* *state*:
* **warning**/**critical** if the space used above the configured levels (default 85/90%)
* **warning**
* when the space left on the partiton is less then the *lowspacenotifythreshold*
* if the device needs erasure
* *wato*: you can configure warning/critical level in percent of used space
## Check Info *snmp_cisco_flash*:
Adds infromations about flash devices, partitions and chips to the inventory
* *wato*:
* you can disable the 3 parts of the inventory
* you can remove unneed columns from the inventory
![sample inventory](/doc/sample_inventory.png?raw=true "sample inventory")