Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com

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thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2018-05-24: changed counters to 1/s
2018-05-25: a lot of code cleanup
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            packet name changed from cisco_bgp to cisco_bgp_peer
            added support of more then one address family per peer
            (changed item from remoteip to remoteip+familyname, rewrite of parer, inventory and check function)
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2018-05-27: changed scan function from  '.* to sysdecr contains cisco
2018-05-28: changed wato, added peer alias, state if not found, infotext values
2018-05-29: fixed longoutpout (removed not configured)
2018-11-02: modified scanfunction (from "find 'cisco' =-1"  to "'cisco' in OID"
2019-18-02: added fix for empty values ("" instead of "0") sugested by Laurent Barbier (lbarbier[at]arkane-studios[dot]com)
2020-02-24: added workaround for missing cbgpPeer2AddrFamily (example L2VPN EVPN peers, Fix for jonale82[at]gmail[dot]com)
2020-03-02: changed handling of perfdata, add only data the are really there (not None) instead of setting them to 0
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2020-09-10: fixed typo in metrics file. FMS --> FSM (thanks martin[dot]pechstein[at]posteo[dot]de)
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2020-06-04: code cleanup --> changed isdigit test to try/except loop, changed peer.get test to try/except loop
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-03-27: rewrite for CMK2.0
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-03-28: added warning for missing prefix limit/warn threshold
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-07-08: fixed handling of missing prefix limit/accepted prefixes/warn threshold. thanks to Florian[dot]Dille[at]<redacted>[dot]com
2021-07-13: fixed handling of perfdata (in/out updates, in/out total messages). thanks to Florian[dot]Dille[at]<redacted>[dot]com and timhor[at]outlook[dot]com
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
            added type hinting for parsed data (section)
            optimised data handling in check function (add prefixes to peer info)
            made default state if item not found configurable via WALO
2021-07-21: fixed missing oid_end in parse function, thanks to oliverj@cmkforum
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-08-18: fixed counter rollover, changed detect section to find only BGP enabled devices.
2012-08-20: cleanup, optimized parse function
2021-08-22: added WATO option for admin state down
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-08-23: changed service name from "Cisco BGP peer" to "BGP peer" --> streamline with bgp_peer
            get localas from BGP-4-MIB::bgpLocalAs if CISCO-BGP4-MIB::cbgpPeer2LocalAs not set
thl-cmk's avatar
thl-cmk committed
2021-08-29: fixed bgpLocalAs in BGP-4-MIB not set
2021-11-08: moved helper functions to utils/bgp_peer
            moved longoutput/details to inventory based on inv_bgp_beer
            merged WATO with bgp_peer
            merged METRICS with bgp_peer
2021-11-13: fix for mixed peers (with and without prefixes on one host)
2021-11-14: merged check function with bgp_peer
            merged parse function with bgp_peer
            added basic support for VRFs (cbgpPeer3Entry)