# Cisco FXOS Sensors (FirePower devices) [(Download the MKP package)](/../../../-/raw/master/cisco_fxos_sensors.mkp "Download MKP package")
**Note: this package has become part of CMK 2.0. For details see werk [#12731](**
**Note: this package is for CheckMK version 2.x. For other versions see the corresponding branch.**
**Note: this check was merged with form CMK2.0**
Cisco FXOS checks
* *cisco_fxos_fan*: monitors ASA fan sensors
* *service*: this check creates one service for each fan sensor
* *state*: **warning**/**critical** if sensor state is not OK. Levels see WATO
* *wato*: CMK 2.x system provided (_FAN speed of Hardware devices_)
* *perfdata*:
* Fan speed (RPM)
![sample output](/doc/sample_fan.png?raw=true "sample output")
* *service*: this check creates one service for each power supply sensor
* *state*: **warning**/**critical** if sensor state is not OK.
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*: none
Sample output
![sample output](/doc/sample_power.png?raw=true "sample output")