2021-03-18: rewrite of the original CMK2.0 check, added support for Firepower devices
2021-04-10: rename service to "Failover state"
2021-04-11: added WATO options for Failoverlink, device not active/standby
Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com
2021-03-18: rewrite of the original CMK2.0 check, added support for Firepower devices
2021-04-10: rename service to "Failover state"
2021-04-11: added WATO options for Failoverlink, device not active/standby
Collection of CheckMK checks (see All checks and plugins are provided as is. Absolutely no warranty. Send any comments to thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com