[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/checkpoint_smart_event-0.4.0-20230529.mkp "checkpoint_smart_event-0.4.0-20230529.mkp"
* *checkpoint_eva_status*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer
* *checkpoint_eva_cu*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer correlation unit
* *checkpoint_eva_cu_status*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer correlation overall
* *checkpoint_eva_db*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer database
* *checkpoint_eva_jobs*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer job status
* [Download latest mkp file][PACKAGE]
**Note**: before you update to a newer version, always check the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG). There might be incompatible changes.
You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run
or beginning with CMK2.2.x
In the non RAW editions of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_)
### Want to contribute?
Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines]( "Contributing")
### Check Info *checkpoint_eva_status*
* *service*: this check creates the two services '*Eventia analyzer status*' and '*Correlation unit status*'
* *state*:\
* if *Eventia analyzer status* **procalive** is not '1' -> Eventia Analyzer process is not running
* if *Eventia analyzer status* **statcode** is not '0' -> error description from *statshortdescr*
* if *Correlation unit status* **nofreediskspace** is not '0' -> No free disk space
* if *Correlation unit status* **procalive** is not '1' -> Correlation unit process is not running
* if *Correlation unit status* **connectedtosem** is not '1' -> Correlation unit not connected to server
* if *Correlation unit status* **statcode** is not '0' -> error description from *statshortdescr*
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*:
* New events (/s)
* Updates (/s)
* Processed logs (/s)
![sample output](img/sample.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
* *service*: this check creates one service per correlation unit '*Correlation unit %IP-address*'
* *state*: this service is always **ok**
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*:
* Events (/s)
* Uptime (s)
Sample output
![sample output](img/sample_cu.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
* *service*: this check creates the *Eventia DB* service on the SmartEvent server
* *state*:\
* if dbisfull is not '0' -> database is full
* if dbdiskspace less then critdbcapacity
* if dbdiskspace less then warndbcapacity
* *wato*: you can configure warn/crit levels for database disk space (dbdiskspace)
* *perfdata*:
* Database disc space (bytes)
* Database capacity (bytes)
* Database size (bytes)
* Disk Size (bytes)
* Events in Database (count)
![sample output](img/sample_db.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
* *service*: this check creates one service '*Eventia job %id*' per Eventia log file analyzer queue
* *state*:\
* if *jobisonline* is not '1'
* if *connectedtologserver* is not '1'
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*:
* Analyzed logs (/s)
* Position in file (count)
![sample output](img/sample_jobs.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")