* *checkpoint_eva_status*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer
* *checkpoint_eva_cu*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer correlation unit
* *checkpoint_eva_cu_status*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer correlation overall
* *checkpoint_eva_db*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer database
* *checkpoint_eva_jobs*: monitors Check Point Eventia analyzer job status
### Download
* [checkpoint_smart_event.mkp (latest version)]( "Download latest version")
### Installation
You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run `mkp install checkpoint_smart_event.mkp`.
In the Enterprise/Free edition of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_)
### Want to contribute?
Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines]( "Contributing")
### Check Info *checkpoint_eva_status*
* *service*: this check creates the two services '*Eventia analyzer status*' and '*Correlation unit status*'
* *state*:\
* if *Eventia analyzer status* **procalive** is not '1' -> Eventia Analyzer process is not running
* if *Eventia analyzer status* **statcode** is not '0' -> error description from *statshortdescr*
* if *Correlation unit status* **nofreediskspace** is not '0' -> No free disk space
* if *Correlation unit status* **procalive** is not '1' -> Correlation unit process is not running
* if *Correlation unit status* **connectedtosem** is not '1' -> Correlation unit not connected to server
* if *Correlation unit status* **statcode** is not '0' -> error description from *statshortdescr*
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*:
* New events (/s)
* Updates (/s)
* Processed logs (/s)
![sample output](/doc/sample.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
* *service*: this check creates one service per correlation unit '*Correlation unit %IP-address*'
* *state*: this service is always **ok**
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*:
* Events (/s)
* Uptime (s)
Sample output
![sample output](/doc/sample_cu.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
* *service*: this check creates the *Eventia DB* service on the SmartEvent server
* *state*:\
* if dbisfull is not '0' -> database is full
* if dbdiskspace less then critdbcapacity
* if dbdiskspace less then warndbcapacity
* *wato*: you can configure warn/crit levels for database disk space (dbdiskspace)
* *perfdata*:
* Database disc space (bytes)
* Database capacity (bytes)
* Database size (bytes)
* Disk Size (bytes)
* Events in Database (count)
![sample output](/doc/sample_db.png?raw=true "sample [SHORT TITLE]")
* *service*: this check creates one service '*Eventia job %id*' per Eventia log file analyzer queue
* *state*:\
* if *jobisonline* is not '1'
* if *connectedtologserver* is not '1'
* *wato*: none
* *perfdata*:
* Analyzed logs (/s)
* Position in file (count)