[PACKAGE]: ../../raw/master/mkp/checkpoint_asg_sg_diag-0.4.0-20230530.mkp "checkpoint_asg_sg_diag-0.4.0-20230530.mkp" # Check Point Maestro Security Group ASG tests Monitors status of Check Point Maestro SG ASG Diag. This is equivalent to the "asg diag verify" command for Check Point scalable platform on the Security Group (SG). --- ### Check Info * *service*: this check will create the service *ASG Diag* * *state*:\ **critical**: if if the state of one or more ASG tests "Failed"\ **warning**/**critical**: if last run autside of levels * *wato*: [(see WATO options)](/../../../-/raw/master//doc/wato.png "see WATO options") * *perfdata*: none --- ### Download * [Download latest mkp file][PACKAGE] **Note**: before you update to a newer version, always check the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG). There might be incompatible changes. --- ### Installation You can install the package by uploading it to your CheckMK site and as site user run ``` mkp install PACKAGENAME-VERSION.mkp ``` or beginning with CMK2.2.x ``` mkp add PACKAGENAME-VERSION.mkp mkp enable PACKAGENAME VERSION ``` In the non RAW editions of CheckMK you can use the GUI to install the package (_Setup_ -> _Extension Packages_ -> _Upload package_) --- ### Want to contribute? Nice ;-) Have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md "Contributing") --- ### Sample output ![sample output](img/sample.png?raw=true "sample output") WATO options ![WATO options](img/wato.png?raw=true "WATO options")