# Check Point Anti Malware [(Download the MKP package)](/../../../-/raw/master/checkpoint_anti_malware.mkp "Download MKP package")
**Note: this package is for CheckMK version 2.x. For other versions see the corresponding branch.**
Monitors status of Check Point Anti Bot, Anti Virus and Anti SPAM blades
Check Info:
* *service*: this check will create the services *Anti malware: anti bot*, *Anti malware: anti SPAM*, *Anti malware: anti virus* and *Anti malware: over all*
* *state*:
### *Anti malware: over all*
**critical** if *amwstauscode* is not *0*, error description from *amwlongdesc*
### *Anti malware: anti bot* and *Anti malware: anti virus*
**critical**/**warning** if *lastupdate* outside the configured levels\
* if *status* is not *valid*
* if *updatestatus* is not *up-to-date* or *new*
### *Anti malware: anti SPAM*
**warning** if *status* is not *valid*
* *wato*: war/crit levels for Anti Bot and Anti Virus update in days (default is 7/14) days, Timeformat for verion