2016-05-31 initial release
2018-03-08 changed snmp scan function
2018-03-13 code cleanup
2018-03-15 more code cleanup
2020-06-08 changed snmp-scan function
2020-11-10 removed perfdata
added wato option to configure 'ignore disks'. For example on the Smart-1 5150 (Array has 12 Disks,
but only 6 Disks are in the default hardware
2021-04-29: rename from checkpoint_soft_raid in to checkpoint_raid
2021-08-10: rewritten for CMK 2.0
2022-11-30: WATO: fixed CheckParameterRulespecWithoutItem (from CheckParameterRulespecWithItem)
2023-04-23: refactoring
moved wato file to ~/local/lib/check_mk/gui/plugins/wato
moved rule set from networking to hardware